This Spongy Parrot Toy – Large is packed full of different materials and textures for a Parrot to explore.
Fastened to the metal chain is a coloured piece of loofah and coffee tree wood slices, on which fun to chew materials; including coconut husk, sea shells and more wood has been attached with knotted lengths of sea grass rope.
Chewing on all the shreddable materials helps a Parrot to maintain a healthy and trim beak.
The loofah also has hundreds of fibres for a Parrot to pick off and preen. Plus, your customer can easily wedge tasty treats or favourite foods inside it or around the outside for them to find and retrieve.
Offering foraging opportunities for a bird ensures they can fulfil this natural behaviour, one that would keep them busy and entertained for many hours in the wild.
Puzzle lovers are easily entertained, with knots to spend their time working at unravelling.
Use the metal quick link provided to quickly and securely fasten this
Spongy Parrot Toy – Large to a bird’s cage or play gym stand.
- - African Grey Parrots
- - Amazon Parrots
- - Cockatoos
- - Eclectus Parrots
- - Macaws - Large
- - Macaws - Small
- Please remember this information is for size guidance only - you know your bird best!
Length 34cm (13")
Width 18cm (7")
Wood, Loofah, Coconut Husk, Sea Shell, Seagrass, Sisal, Metal