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Pet Bird and Parrot Perches

Give a Parrot a safe place to stand in their cage with a new Parrot perch

Perches have multiple benefits and aren’t just a place for a Parrot to stand on. Some trim nails, others provide a source of calcium and most help to keep feet well exercised with their uneven surface.

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Perches are available in a variety of lengths, diameters and materials. The different textures include wood, edible calcium and sisal rope.

In the wild a Parrot would move around on different width perches. Therefore they need a perching solution that replicates this.

As Parrots walk across sanded perches it trims their nails. This means no more difficult trips to the vets for nail clipping.

When birds sit on edible perches it provides them with important nutrients like calcium, that they need for strong bones and beak.

Encourage your customer to hang toys off perches and clean them regularly, with products bought from your store of course.

Check out the first-class collection of perches here.

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