If you do not have an account with us we are happy to accept payment by Visa, Visa Delta, Visa Electron, Mastercard, Maestro, Switch or Solo.
You will be asked for your payment card details in the final stage of our secure checkout, these details - as well as other personal information - are fully encrypted during the authorisation and charging process.
When you place an order we "pre-authorise" your card for the value of the order so that we can despatch it quickly, this means that your account is checked electronically to make sure the funds are available and if so they are reserved for a few days. If for any reason the order is cancelled or delayed, this "pre-authorisation" will automatically expire a few days later.
For security reasons your card details are not held or stored by us, they are passed directly to our bank who issue us with a "token" to allow us to charge your card when we despatch the order. This token can only be used by us and won't work without the 3 digit security code.
If any other details change, such as the delivery address, the token becomes invalid so there is no risk of your card being misused. For this reason it is safe for us to store the token and reuse it - if you want us to.
If you do not feel comfortable entering your card details online you can place your order by telephone on 01706 507803.
If you need any more information or help please contact us.