In the wild a Parrot would naturally spend many happy hours searching for their meal so it’s important that customers replicate this natural behaviour. Foraging is more important than playtime. Parrots could spend up to 6 hours foraging in their natural habitat.
Parrots have the intelligence level of a three-year-old child. Therefore, they require lots of stimulation to prevent them from becoming bored. Foraging toys are one of the best ways to do that.
Two styles of foraging toy are available, chewable and reusable. Both have varying degrees of difficulty and different tasks to solve before a Parrot can get to the treats inside. Some toys come prefilled with goodies whereas other prizes will need to be bought by the customer first; from your store of course!
In chewable foraging toys a Parrot must shred, rip, tear apart and pull the toys to reach the food inside. This style of foraging toy is made from materials such as cardboard and per, willow and pipe and wood and rope.
Reusable foraging toys are made from tougher materials such as polycarbonate and acrylic. To get to the prize inside these, Parrots must move, spin and manipulate the parts inside the toy to make their treat tumble down.
Check out this amazing selection of foraging toys for Parrots available now.