This is one of the biggest selections of Meyer’s and Senegal food online.
Help a customer to provide a Meyer’s or Senegal Parrot with all the nutrients they need using complete or pelleted food. Not only is it nutritionally balanced, it is ready to order in a variety of shapes, colours and flavours.
Another way to make feeding time fun for a Meyer’s or Senegal is with treats. They are great to use as a snack after the main meal, as a reward for good behaviour or to show a bird how much they are loved. Treats are interesting flavours, like fruits, nuts and vegetables.
Seed is in a variety of formats too, like complete food. It isn’t the boring plain choice that it used to be. Seed mixes have been blended to be as healthy as they can be, with low sunflower, additional nutrients and some has even been recommended by vets.
Finally, breeding and handfeeding food gives Parrot parents and their chicks the necessary nutrients they need to stay fit and healthy in this important time in their lives.
Encourage your customer to buy feeding dishes or foraging toys for the food to go in as well.
Browse the excellent choice of food for Meyer’s and Senegal Parrots here.