Most of the accessories listed below can be cleaned up using the effective and fast acting cleaning products and disinfectant. These include sprays, wipes and brushes from popular brands such as Poop-Off and F10.
There are accessories to keep a Large Macaw’s beautiful plumage looking fantastic too, with baths and misters.
Sand and sanded paper collects the mess that has been dropped onto the floor of the bird’s cage.
A Large Macaw requires a large perch for the big feet and body. Large Macaw perches are ready to order in a variety of sizes, colours and textures, to ensure their feet stay exercised and healthy.
Like all birds Large Macaws require a balanced diet to stay fit and well. Although complete food, seed and treats should always be hidden inside foraging toys, Large Macaws will still need food to eat from a feeding dish too. Many of the food bowls are quick locking to prevent these clever birds tipping them over or unscrewing them from the cage.
Some stands already have feeding dishes attached to them, others have space to hang toys or attach more perches to them. Choose the ones that’ll suit your customer best.
Does your customer want to bond with their Large Macaw? Then encourage them to take them out in one of our Parrot harnesses. Plus, their bird can learn the art of flying at the same time.
Large Macaws may also not receive the levels of UV that they would naturally receive in the wild. Encourage customers to position a UV light over their feathered friend’s cage. UV allows them to synthesise Vitamin D3, which allows them to produce calcium that they need for strong bones and beak.
A hideaway is a warm and comfortable place for a Parrot to retreat to whenever they feel scared or threatened. In the wild they’d retreat to the foliage of trees.
Weighing a Large Macaws regularly on scales allows owners to record their bird’s weight. Increases or decreases could be a sign of illness.
Shop around for the biggest choice of Large Macaw accessories.