This Foraging Barrel Parrot Toy is ideal for creating foraging fun for a Parrot.
It’s pre-filled with lots of goodies for a Parrot to find, including pine cones, natural leave and maize, but your customer can fill it with other goodies too, for a Parrot to enjoy finding.
In the wild a Parrot would spend many happy hours searching for food and it helps to keep their clever mind active.
As the Parrot plays a shiny bell chimes merrily away, adding some noise-making fun.
Use the quick link provided to securely and easily fasten this Foraging Barrel to the bird’s cage or play gym stand.
- - African Grey Parrots
- - Amazon Parrots
- - Conures - Large
- - Conures - Small
- - Eclectus Parrots
- - Macaws - Small
- Please remember this information is for size guidance only - you know your bird best!
Length 22cm (9")
Width 5cm (2")
Wood, Pine Cone, Natural Leaves, Plastic, Maize, Coconut Shell, Metal