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Eclectus Supplements

All the supplements your customer could ever need for their Eclectus Parrot

All the vitamins and minerals, breeding products, treatments and cures and products to use when an Eclectus is ill or suffering from a medical problem.

You are viewing 24 products out of a total of 49 products

These Eclectus supplements are fast acting to ease a bird’s suffering. Parrots don’t usually show any outward signs of illness, as in the wild they could be vulnerable to predators. Therefore it’s important to be able to recognise and treat these illnesses as soon as possible.

When Eclectus Parrots are breeding there are supplements that support them. Breeding supplements help the parents.

There are products to treat conditions such as feather plucking, breathing difficulties and feathers that have lost their sheen.

During illness an Eclectus may lose their appetite or need assistance in getting back to full health again. Stock emergency nutrition, immune support, prebiotics, probiotics or energy boosters to aid with their recovery.

Vitamins and minerals assist an Eclectus if they are missing them from their daily diet. Most can simply be added to food or water.

Checking on an Eclectus Parrot’s weight helps to spot early signs of illness, because increases or decreases in their weight can be a sign something is wrong. Using accurate scales helps with this.

Always advise your customer to speak to an avian vet if they suspect their Parrot is unwell.

Get lots of supplements for Eclectus Parrots right here.

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