Complete food is the most vital part of an Eclectus Parrot’s diet because it provides them with all the balanced nutrition they need in their diet. This tasty food comes in a variety of colours, shapes and flavours.
But during breeding season, breeding and handfeeding food becomes the most important. Parents and babies need the necessary nutrients to stay fit and healthy in this challenging time in their life.
Many seed mixes have been blended so that a Parrot gets many of the nutrients they need when they tuck into this too. Although it’s not recommended to be a core part of an Eclectus Parrot’s diet, the seed mixes available are as healthy as possible. Benefits include low sunflower content, additional vitamins and minerals and a recommendation from a vet.
Finally treats are a good way to reward a Parrot for good behaviour, to use as a prize for a productive training session or just to show how much they are cared for. Again, these are ready for order in a variety of tastes and colours. Choose the ones your customer’s Parrots like best.
Suggest to your customer they buy foraging toys or feeding dishes that the food can go in too.