It is hard to spot when a bird such as a Budgerigar is unwell because they don’t like to show any outward symptoms that something is wrong.
But these supplements can help cure these Parrot illnesses or prevent them for happening at all.
Breeder products help chicks and their Parrot parents. They provide them with all the nutrition they require to grow up big and strong and perhaps raise more babies in the future.
Treatments and cures treat conditions such as feather plucking, breathing difficulties and dry and itchy skin.
Vitamins can be added to food or water if your customer feels their bird is missing out on these in their daily diet.
There are different illness and emergency products too, like energy and immune system boosters, emergency nutrition and probiotics. All help to maintain a bird’s overall good wellbeing.
One way to see the first signs of illness is by weighing a Parrot. Avian scales are accurate to within a gram, so your customer can easily see any increases or decreases in their bird’s weight.
Please remember to advise speaking to an avian vet if a Parrot is unwell.
Browse the big choice of supplements for Budgies here.