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Budgie Food

The most delicious food available for a Budgie

There is no bigger selection of breeding and handfeeding food, complete and pelleted food, seed and treats for Budgies anywhere else online.

You are viewing 24 products out of a total of 77 products

Encourage a customer to buy complete or pelleted food for their Budgerigar. It provides them will balanced nutrition that thy need in their daily diet and is available in a variety of shapes, colours and flavours.

Seed mixes are just as interesting. These are ready to order in a selection of varieties too. Extra vitamins, minerals and other nutrients have been added to keep them as healthy as possible.

Treats are a way to make feeding fun for a Budgie too. They are loose or hanging and in lots of fun flavours like fruits, nuts and vegetables.

Finally, it isn’t just during breeding season you should be stocking breeding and handfeeding food, it should be all year round. It’s important to give chicks and their parents the nutrients they need to maintain excellent health.

Northern Pet Trade recommends customers hide food in foraging toys or placing it in feeding dishes, a good cross selling opportunity for you.

Get all your Budgie food for your store here.

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