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Aviator Parrot Harnesses

Aviator Harnesses are the safe, fun way to exercise a Parrot

Teaching a Parrot to fly safely is made much simpler if your customer uses an Aviator harness. They are available in seven different sizes and colours. Plus, there is a flightline and leash extensions available, that also allow a bird to fly unrestricted.

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The Aviator harness was developed by Steve Hartman of The Parrot University. Using his over 30 years’ experience, he developed the harness, leash extensions and flightline.

They allow a customer to teach their Parrot the art of flying without the concern a bird could escape during the training session.

Once they have learnt to fly, a Parrot will become fitter, more co-ordinated and have improved intelligence and self-confidence.

The choice of sizes range from Mini, for Budgies and Lovebirds, to XLarge, for Moluccan Cockatoos, Hyacinth and Green-winged Macaws.

Northern Pet Trade are the only UK company that import these harnesses.

See the excellent choice of Aviator products available here.

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