About Super Bird Creations
Published on Sunday, 11th September 2016
Based in America, Super Bird Creations have become one of the best bird toy manufacturers in the world. There is a toy for all a Parrot’s favourite habits, like chewing, foraging and shredding, with lots of different textures, to keep Parrots physically and mentally stimulated.
Chewable Foraging Toys
In chewable foraging toys, a Parrot must chew their way through the toy to get to the goodies inside.
Beaker Sneakers are versatile, they can be filled with goodie or a Parrot can just enjoy unfastening the laces on it.
Swing and Climbing Toys
Encourage a Parrot to get lots of exercise through play with swing and climbing toys.
Flying Trapeze Toys allow a bird to indulge in this fun behaviour. Available in a mini size.
Willow and Palm Toys
Willow and palm toys have many fun textures for Parrots.
Smaller Parrots like chewing and shredding through the crinkle paper and willow of the Crinkle Crinkle Little Star.
Toy Making Parts
You can improve a bird’s current toys by filling or hiding shreddable Crinkle Paper inside it.
Foot Toys
Foot toys are fun to hold in beak and feet.
Woven Paper Sticks can be attached to toys so a bird can start unravelling, picking and chewing them.
Paper Party Sticks have the same functionality.
Encourage customers to use the Fiesta Ball Stuffers as a foraging toy, as it can be filled with many things.
The UFO Foot Toy has many fun to play with parts secured onto it, like dummies and beads, fun to try and remove.
Natural Chews have six sticks, with different styles of different natural material.
2016 Toys
In the summer of 2016 Super Bird brought in new toys.
If a Parrot wants to hide away from the world for a while, then the Seagrass Tent is made for them. These are made from natural materials with a perch to rest on.
2017 Toys
In the summer of 2017 Super Bird released more exciting products for your store and for your customer’s Parrot.
Finally, the Pinwheel has a multitude of textures to entertain a Parrot with too.
The Christmas Crinkle Little Star is overflowing with crinkle paper a bird can shred over the festive season, along with two woven vine stars.
Christmas themed toys are always popular. The Christmas Garland, ready to order in a small or large size, has lots of wood and other textures stacked along a chain for a Parrot to enjoy.
2018 Toys
Parrots get mental stimulation working out how to undo and out back together the Screw It Toy.
The Binky Bop is interesting for a Parrot to forage in.
The berries on the Jingleberries Toy are actually jingle balls, where customers can place treats in for their bird to find or allow their bird musical fun.
2020 Products
There are toys to hang from the Kabob.
The Flower Fest entertains Parrots for hours, chewing and foraging.
Foot toys aren’t heavy and are easy to carry. Examples of this is the Foot Toy Combo.
2023 Products
The Balsa Rainbow Stacker occupies beaks for hours.
Super Bird: Find out what the squawk’s about with these exciting toys Parrots love playing with.