About Creative Foraging Systems
Published on Wednesday, 25th January 2017
There are Creative Foraging Systems Toys for all species of Parrot and for those just being introduced to the foraging concept to the most experienced forager.
Every too is made from see through polycarbonate, that is not only easy to clean, but means a Parrot can see their treat that’s hidden inside, now they have to work out how to get to it. These treats are a good upsell in your store.
We are the only company in the UK to import this brand, ensuring a consistent supply.
Foraging Wheels
In the wheel style of foraging toy, a Parrot must spin the wheel to reach their rewards inside.
There are multiple compartments inside the Original Foraging Wheel. It has small holes at the front that the treats fall into.

Foraging Balls
It’s easy to fill foraging balls with all a Parrot’s favourite things. All is needed is to unscrew the top or twist them apart to fill them.
Widely regarded as the ultimate avian enrichment toy, the Buffet Ball has two sections that break apart.
The Buffet Ball with Bell is different because it has a bell inside that is very strong.
The Buffet Ball with Cage Mount is different again as it has a tray to collect mess from the food the Parrot finds.
The Foraging Sphere can hold all a Parrot’s favourite treats and is simple to negotiate.
Foraging Towers
In tower style of foraging toys, Parrots must learn how to make their treats tumble to the bottom.
The Tug N Slide has a series of compartments and drawers. Parrots must move them in the right order to move their treat.

There are two doors and two drawers in the Foraging Tower Mentally Stimulating Toy, but again a Parrot must open and close them to make their treat tumble down.
The Push and Pull has three slats, each with two holes inside. Parrots must make each of the three slats line up , because only them will their treat go down.
Other Foraging Toys
The Foraging Carousel is a lot of fun to spin around. It has four sections on top of the spinning base that all open different from one another, to keep a Parrot guessing.

Three doors give the Sliding Doors Toy its name. Each of the three doors has a different way into the treats.
The Food Tumbler Toy has to be spun around and around until the treats come down.
Creative Foraging Systems: Keeping Parrots mentally stimulated with a huge range of foraging toys.