Find out about the 60 / 30 / 10 simple nutrition plan.
We're sure you're often asked, what is the best diet is for my Parrot? There is no easy answer to this question, but we have devised a simple nutrition plan to make it a little easier for you.and your customers
It’s called the Simple Nutrition Plan and if followed correctly, should give a Parrot most, if not all, the nutrition they need.
So 60% of a bird’s diet should be pellets or complete food that provides them with the nutrients, 30% should be made up of sprouting seeds, vegetables, fruits and nuts and the remaining 10% should consist of other seeds and treats.
Pellets or complete food should be the core part of a Parrot’s diet, making up 60%. They’ve been specially formulated to give a bird much of the vitamins, minerals and other goodness they need daily to stay fit and healthy. Avian vets recommend pellets to be foundation of a bird’s diet too.
Browse our selection of complete food and pellets here.
Sprouting Seeds, Vegetables, Nuts and Fruits
To give a bird variety in their diet, 30% of it should consist of other things they enjoy eating, such as sprouted seeds, vegetables, fruits and nuts.
Popular Seed Brands
Parrot Premium Pro is one of the most nutritious seed mixes around.
Peanuts And Sunflower Seeds In Moderation
One word of caution, peanuts and sunflower seed should be thought of as treats, and make up no more than 10% of a bird’s diet, as they are often high in fat.
Include Plenty Of Fruits And Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables like the coconut cubes and pumpkin mix have essential vitamins Parrots need to support their overall wellbeing.
Nuts, like the cedar nuts and pilli nuts, have protein, fibre, carbohydrates and many other minerals to keep a Parrot looking and feeling great.
Seed diets should be a smaller proportion of the diet. Whilst they are great for providing environmental enrichment - Parrots can explore the multiple ingredients, when seeds are the majority of the daily diet, it's likely they'll select their favoured few and will miss out on essential nutrition.
Who doesn’t love a treat? You can use treats as a reward for a bird’s good behaviour, to show them some love or just as a small snack between mealtimes. But remember, no more than 10% of their diet.
Treats include Parrot Cafe, oven baked treats that are a range of flavours.
If you have any questions about feeding a Parrot please email or call us on 01706 507803.